
for best results

  • Place a cold compress or ice pack on the area for 20 minutes and remove the cold compress or ice pack for 20 minutes. Continue this pattern as needed for 24 hours.

  • Use Arnica to help decrease bruising, swelling, and discomfort.

  • Take (over the counter) acetaminophen if needed to decrease post treatment discomfort.

  • Sleep on your back and with head elevated for the next 3-5 days after treatment.

  • Drink plenty of water and fluids after treatment.

  • Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for 3-5 days after treatment.

  • Avoid steroids (prednisone), NSAIDS (Motrin, Alieve, etc), alcohol, caffeine, niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, and spicy foods 24-48 hours after your treatment.

  • Please report to your practitioner immediately if you develop an asymmetric smile or facial muscle weakness, skin ulceration in the treatment area, difficulty swallowing, or if any existing symptom worsens.

If you are experiencing complications please email us at and we will respond ASAP